[aDOC Services]

Warranty - Maintenance


Our computers are covered by a full one-year warranty, including parts and labour. Moreover, the workmanship is also free of charge in case of a failure happening within the first three years.

The warranty does not include problems related to software - or hardware - misconfigurations introduced by the customer. In such event, the amount corresponding to the intervention will be invoiced to the customer.

Support Packs

The customer can, at his option, buy support packs, which give him each one hour support for software related problems and/or hardware failures not otherwise covered by the regular warranty (after 3 years for example). The regular fee is 45 € VAT incl., with a 10% rebate when ordering these support packs at the purchase of a computer, or when ordering them in groups of 5.


No maintenance is foreseen in the regular delivery of computers. A maintenance program can be set up at an extra cost if the customer wishes so (see our general sales terms for details).

In this program, defective components will be repaired or replaced for a period of time specified by the maintenance duration. This includes parts, labour and travelling expenses. The intervention will begin on the next business day following the customer call. Should we be unable to repair the failure right away, replacement parts will be lent within the next 24 hours, until the repair is satisfactorily executed.

This program includes only hardware failures, and does not include software related problems.

It should be emphasized that the delays indicated above apply only to customers in Brussels. Customers out of Brussels should add 2 business days for transport (take-away + delivery).

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